Through an open call a panel of experts selected 15 professional theatre creators to take part in the KOSMOS LAB’20 free of charge. Program participants had a chance to engage with three different genres of improvisational acting. They worked with the Italian Commedia dell’arte, the French Clownade Philippe Gaulier School and Contemporary Street Theater.  The project consisted of three parts: master classes, creative workshops and a presentation of a street performance. Welcome to KOSMOS LAB’20 visual theatre in public spaces edition.


 Matteo Spiazzi is an actor, director, drama teacher. He has worked in various countries such as Austria, Belarus, Ecuador, Estonia, Slovenia, Poland, Ukraine, Russia. First of all, Matteo is a great teacher. He specializes in masks. In particular “Commedia dell’Arte”. He has shared his experience and led workshops in several art schools around the word. University of Verona. Universidad Central de Quito in Ecuador. University of Tartu (Art department in Viljandi). National Academy of Dramatic Art Belarus. National Academy of Dramatic Art in Minsk (Belarus). Kiev University of culture (Ukraine). DAMU academy (Czech Republic- to name a few. Furthermore, he’s an active creator. He worked in various European countries. You can even find his work in “Gorkij National Academic Russian Theatre”.  Find our more about Matteo here.


Adrian Schvarzstein is performer, director and an actor. First of all, he’s a mixture of various nationalities. He lives in Barcelona but his artistic formation took place all over Europe. He spends his life avidly accumulating experiences. Seconldy, among other things he is a comedian. An actor. A a circus & street theatre director. Adrian Schvarzstein is a very energetic entertainer. A true showman! He also acts and sings in operas and baroque music companies. However, he’s able to stands out particularly. By mixing all those disciplines in one show! Chaos surprise and provocative innocence. These are just some of the tools Adrian Schvarzstein has used to triumph in theatre and festivals all over the world. From Ireland to Cameroon! Lastly, Adrian has been awarded in several international festivals. To find out more about him you can find it here.   


Marija Baranauskaitė is an artist, a professional clown. She is the first Lithuanian to graduate from professioanl clownade studies at the prestigious “Clown school of Phillippe Gaullier” in Paris. Additionally, she majored as dancing-actress at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. Since 2013 she has been working professionally as a performer, creator, leading creative classes. Furthermore, she is an actress of “Red Nose” company. Since 2018 it’s art director. Maria continuously improves her skills by training with various performing arts masters. Eric Davis (Red Bastard). Lassaad Saidi. Philip Burgers. Vladimir Olshansky. Ami Hattab. Carlo Jacucci. Lorenz Wenda. Roberto Magro. Gary Edwards. David Zombrano. Claudio Stellato to name a few. Lastly, she’s now actively teaching in the field of clown. She’s a lecture at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. Also, she leads individual workshops.


 First of all, Adrian is a clown, comedian, opera singer, actor and director. He’s main work of field is contemporary circus and street theatre. The distinguishing feature of Adrian is the mixing of all these experiences in one performance. His performances are filled with chaos and absolute innocence at the same time. This struggle between two different energetics has made Adrian Schvarzstein one of the most famous street theate eartists in the world. 

On the other hand, Matteo is an Italian actor, director, drama teacher. A true mask theater and Commedia dell’Arte professional. He’s leading creative workshops at universities and art academies in Verona, Ecuador, Tartu, Minsk, Kyiv. Matteo has performed in both classical and modern Italian theaters. Some of Matteo’s work you can still find in Belarus, Slovenia, and Ukraine theatres. 

We sat them both together and invite you to watch their cosy chat about life and of course visual street theatre.


 In creative workshops project participants started working with a Lithuanian director, playwright and street artist Linas Jurkštas. He’s one of the founders of the art syndicate Bad Rabbits. Linas is a member of the European Federation on Education and Training in Street Arts and the International Street Theater Troupe “Third Hand Group”.

 First of all, a team of professional actors and dancers, together with director Linas Jurkštas, started preparing for street theatre performances during an intensive one-week rehearsal. Furthermore, their work was presented as a result of the workshops. Unfortunately, when the developers chose public places in Vilnius city they faced with astonishing findings. Information of incredible size. It’s importance and nature is undoubtful. But most of all, which was hidden from the city residents and its guests for many years. Therefore, a lot of questions has been asked. What kind of Vilnius do we really live in? The unprecedented stories of Vilnius and the scandalous veil of lies have forced the creators to stop rehearsing. With all that in mind, they establish a freely operating museum in the city. A city where the TRUE HISTORY of Vilnius from the great H is revealed. Finally, it will be shared with you.

 Secondly, the creators themselves comment on the activities of their opening museum “PARALEL VILNIUS” as follows.
“This is without a doubt the first real Museum of TRUE History (from the big H!) in Vilnius. Pat the Goat, find out the truth, buy a souvenir, take off the cloak of lies. These entertainments and a bunch of other important things are waiting for you at our – PARALEL VILNIUS Museum. Furthermore, you will be greeted and served only by the most educated masters and oracles of History (no doubt – again from the great H!). We call them guides. You call them friends. Don’t let your cultural group subconscious develop. Come and run your fields of knowledge. Let your thoughts only green and wrap around the Historical (from the great H!). Leave the darkness, come to the light. ”


Director Linas Jurkštas.
Artist Dovilė Gecaitė.
Ana Filipovič; Agnieszka Mlodzi Swiatu; Eglė Grigaliūnaitė; Garbrielė Penčylaitė;
Gintautas Ulmis; Justina Kaminskaitė; Kajetana Ageikinaitė; Marija Augutytė;
Marius Gotbergas; Mindaugas Ancevičius; Paulina Simutytė; Rasa Kulytė-Pol.

Workshop art director Ž. Vingelis.

Workshop producer D. Vizbaras.


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