Photo by: G.Zaltauskaite

Online (anti)utopia #PROTEST – is an experimental theatre project brought by director Žilvinas Vingelis and experimental visual theatre company “Kosmos theatre“. Inspired by circumstances of quarantine project aims to analyze the boundaries of theatre and seeks adapt with current situation with openness, quickness and relevance with theatrical creation. Online performance broadcasted live from actors’ home offers a fresh thought of current humanity issues in themes of loneliness, isolation, social distance, online communication, narrowness of expressions, obscurity, fear and responsibility to others.  

Specially for this project created Goda Simonaitytė piece #PROTEST takes us to 2220, an utopian republic of Monaksy (Greek Μοναξιά – “Lonliness“) where isolated people meet each other online to learn the forgotten social skills and to bring back the eventually lost emotions. 

Monaksy is a closed utopian, particularly modern, frugal, ecological, with maximum mechanization and collective ownership, a non-racial republic. The people of Monaksy are rational, closed, emotionally hidden and isolated from birth living in a social distance. The goal of the republic is perfection. In the long run humanity started to be an obstruction and was understood as a disease. Human emotions as symptoms which must be cured. 

Photo by: G.Zaltauskaite

Could we live a fulfilling life without our daily emotions even if they are small, meaningless and annoying? Could we be truly happy scarifying ourselves for a higher purpose? Does isolation and social distance make us more sensitive and open to each other? Is it possible to reconcile unconditional progress with the drama of humans’ inner life? Is Human a destroyer or a saver? 

In online anti(utopia) #PROTEST six actors from their home will bring you a live acting performance directly to your home! Born and raised 5 Monaksy habitants with an Artificial Intelligence  by participating in weekly lectures will word by word find within themselves things that they did not expect. The group by wandering around in their memories, analyzing their unnamed but more commonly arising emotions, openly listening to each other and discussing their native republic progressive ideas is finally ready to for the idea of #PROTEST which was not heard for more than a century. 


2021 Lithuanian national performing arts award “Golden stage cross” in category “Pandemic resistant theatre”

2020 Performing arts festival “ConTempo Festival” (Kaunas, Lithuania)

2020 Šiluva theatre biennale (Šiluva, Lithuania)

Photo by: G.Zaltauskaite


(based on the Goda Simonaitytė play by the same name)
#PROTEST initiator and director Žilvinas Vingelis
#PROTEST video artist Kornelijus Jaroševičius 
#PROTEST composer Andrius Šiurys 
#PROTEST artists Dovilė Gecaitė 
#PROTEST actors: Vilma Raubaitė, Šarūnas Banevičius, Gytis Laskovas, Deividas Breivė, Saulė Sakalauskaitė ir Kamilė Lebedytė  
#PROTEST visuals Deividas Breivė 
#PROTEST producer Darius Vizbaras 
PREMIERE April 24th, 2020, Duration: 90 min.



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